Edgar Unger
Vasudeva – How Deep ?
05.03. – 31.03.2021
him/warm: Vasudeva is the „Drum“, after the sound of drums heard at the time of birth.
all who meet him feel his divine semblance. He is not about a complicated philosophical belief system. Not about a boast about power or wisdom but simply a credit of knowledge about the river. enlightenment /auf wish bestellt mäßig enlightened energy undso maybe also force but forreal.
His primary action, other than ferrying passengers across the river, seems to be listening to whatever wisdom the river imparts to him. Which lives in all thoughts, and which lives in all people. (Unantastbares Feng Shui)
me/cold: Come with me lets go to the docks, to watch the ships coming.
We are waiting for the rafty raft to carry us across the sea.
You have heard it laugh,” he said. “But you have not heard everything. Let us listen together, there is more that you will hear.
I know you are ravenous, I Know It ! (auf Hellseherbasis)
(Repeating 4 times)
Do not hold it back. NOOOO
„Kohldampf“ I call that feeling.
Ass I fell down, you desire to land and feed your imagination. PUUUUUH (CRINGE) Aber no front towards my heat and ice.
Focus!!! Fullfull it you can by reaching into deeper spahres, comunnicate in signs and your thoughts ----> pie in the sky.
To arrive at the other side you follow / Finger ist ganz oben an dieser Stelle
So no hasitation to enter, you deserve hypersensibility towards your body and soul
and last but not least never trust no media nono-.-